Selection of portable fire extinguishers per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 10 for a given situation shall be determined by the type and size of fire most likely to occur. The hazards and energized electrical equipment in the area as well as other factors come into play when choosing the correct chemical for your home or business’ potential for fires. Read the label on the front to see if the fire extinguisher in your area is suitable for your type of hazard.
It’s crucial to choose an extinguisher that best meets your needs and can protect against your planned activities or business operations in case of a fire emergency. For example, you would want to use a clean agent fire extinguisher, CO2 or other type on expensive electronics because a dry chemical ABC extinguisher runs the risk of damage your equipment.
At American Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc., our annual maintenance or monthly inspections will keep you safe with the right equipment for your needs. If you're interested, get in touch with us at 1-727-457-7439 and we'll gladly offer you our advice!